Family-owned business

Founded in Berlin during the economic boom that took place in Germany after the founding of the German Empire as Keller's Brewery and Brauhaus, we pride ourself on the fact that the building we produce in has been in family owner-ship and run by the eldest son of the family since 1875.



Open to the market

After the devestation of the second World War and the political turmoil of the Partition, it took us a while to get back to business, but we eventually managed to return to production despite the hurdles placed in our way by the communist government.

In 1962 we were proud to begin production anew and reopened to much fanfare.

Change to dye production

With the changes to consumption habits in recent years - especially among the younger generation - came constantly falling profits and an unsure future for the company.

In 2018, the now CEO of the company, Justin Keller, returned from studying and took over from his grandfather. Having studied Bioengineering at Humboldt-University, he decided to take the company in a wholly different direction and made his research into sustainably produced dye commercially successful.


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